
Yarpromkraska LLC has been cooperating with Stroyproduktsiya LLC since 2019. During our close relations in the production and supply of paints and varnishes for the needs of our organization, your company has established itself as a reliable supplier and responsible partner. Your paints and varnishes are supplied in full and on time. We express our sincere gratitude to the coll

Yarpromkraska LLC has been cooperating with Stroyproduktsiya LLC since 2019. During our close relations in the production and supply of paints and varnishes for the needs of our organization, your company has established itself as a reliable supplier and responsible partner. Your paints and varnishes are supplied in full and on time. We express our sincere gratitude to the coll

Yarpromkraska LLC has been cooperating with Stroyproduktsiya LLC since 2019. During the close relationship in the production and supply of paints and varnishes for the needs of our organization, your company has established itself as a reliable supplier and responsible partner. Deliveries of your paints and varnishes are made in full and on time. We express our sincere gratitude to the coll

OOO Yarpromkraska has been cooperating with OOO Stroyproduktsiya since 2019. During the close relationship in the production and supply of paints and varnishes for the needs of our organization, your company has established itself as a reliable supplier and responsible partner. Deliveries of your paints and varnishes are made in full and on time. We express our sincere gratitude to the coll
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NPO "Science"
In 2023, the production site in Kimry began full-cycle production of brazed plate heat exchangers designed by Russian specialists and corresponding in their characteristics to the best world analogues.
Quality management and production systems certified according to international standards, as well as localization of all manufacturing stages allow us to deliver high-quality products in ultra-short terms.

The products are designed to organize heat exchange between a liquid and/or gaseous medium and are a non-separable package of plates connected by vacuum soldering.
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TAT Engineering
Yarpromkraska LLC has been cooperating with Stroyproduktsiya LLC since 2019. During our close relations in the production and supply of paints and varnishes for the needs of our organization, your company has established itself as a reliable supplier and responsible partner. Deliveries of your paints and varnishes are made in full and within the specified time frame. We express our sincere gratitude to the coll
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